Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Year’s Resolutions: Bring in Some Extra Cash this Year as a Paparazzi Consultant

As the New Year approaches each year, it is normal to reflect back throughout the previous year and think of ways that we can improve and do better next year. It has been a tradition for centuries to make goals in preparation for the new year so that we can eat better, drink less and be kinder to the people around us.

Make the Resolution to Make More Next Year with Paparazzi Jewelry

If you are looking to bring some extra cash into the house, then a good resolution to look into would be becoming a Paparazzi jewelry consultant. Paparazzi jewelry is a great way to sell great products for a low price to those around you and make a great profit.

The Paparazzi jewelry sold by consultants is stylish and yet unique and that makes it a big seller. Tired of having to always answer to a never satisfied boss? As a Paparazzi consultant, you are your own boss. You make up your own hours and are free to come up with your own creative ideas on how to sell. 

You Couldn't Ask for a Simpler Way to Achieve a Resolution!

The process of beginning to sell Paparazzi jewelry is as simple as signing up to be a consultant. Signing up with the right group can be just as important as the decision to decide to begin to sell.

You don’t have to be nervous about stretching out on your own to achieve your goal. At, you have the chance to be a part of a team of expert consultants, to bounce ideas off of and work together to get more sales. To sign up for this amazing team and achieve your resolution for a better new year, visit our site or email Debbie Parkins at

Monday, December 10, 2012

Silver and Gold: Making Christmas Special with Paparazzi


Just as Yukon Cornelius yells in one of the most famous Christmas cartoons of all time, silver and gold are essential to our traditional idea of Christmas.  Whether it is the gold lights hanging up outside or silver tinsel sprawled over the Christmas tree, we see it everywhere and it brings a special feeling to the season.

Traditions of Silver and Gold as Great Gifts - Such as Paparazzi Jewelrey

Silver and gold have many traditions in the holiday season as decorations but the most common tradition of giving them as gifts.  People have been giving precious gifts, especially of gold since the very beginning of Christmas.

In Christianity and the traditional story of Christmas, gold is one of three gifts given by the wise men that come to visit the Christ child.  It symbolized their belief that Christ would be the new king of Israel. 

Show your Gratitude for Those You Care About with Paparazzi Jewelry

We can show our appreciation for the people we love in many different ways this holiday season.  But when looking for that perfect gift, especially for the lucky women in your life, sometimes it’s great to fall back on the classics.  Jewelry, like the accessories done by Paparazzi jewelry, is a classic for a reason; it works!

Necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, silver or gold is sure to bring a smile to her face.  Paparazzi’s jewelry is unique in its style and design, the perfect gift for those special loved ones in your life.  So if you are stumped as you shop these next few weeks, don’t forget how much the gift of silver or gold could mean.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Don’t Let Your Wife Stuff Her Own Stockings: Paparazzi Will Wow Her Christmas

Many can relate to the tradition of finding little gifts to fill stockings with around Christmas time.  There is no recorded legend that tells with a certainty of how this tradition was started.  Yet people insist on hanging their beautifully decorated sock shaped bags with the hopes that Santa will fill it with extra goodies. 

Paparazzi Jewelry Stocking Stuffers: the New Tradition

 Kids are easy enough to please with candy or discipline with coal, but how do you make your wife’s Christmas stocking sparkle?  She makes everyone else’s holiday season special, so how can you give that back? With Paparazzi’s help, you can make the stocking with her name on it really shine.

St. Nickolas, Like Paparazzi, knows the way to Brighten a Woman’s Christmas

In an old German story passed on from one generation to another, St. Nickolas also used to leave something shiny in 3 young ladies’ stockings.  It is said that he wanted to help this poor family with money for the girls so that they could find husbands, but the father was too proud to accept any charity.  

So St. Nickolas would climb down the chimney and hide the money in the girls’ stockings drying on the fireplace.  Imagine your wife’s face on Christmas day as she goes to your fireplace with the kids and she finds a beautiful surprise hidden at the bottom of her own stocking.  Paparazzi’s jewelry is the perfect size to be hidden as an extra special gift just for her that she will love.


Paparazzi Jewelry is Exactly What She Wanted

And you will love the look on her face as she examines the beautiful craftsmanship of Paparazzi’s wide selection of bracelets, necklaces and more.  Paparazzi Jewelry is unique and is guaranteed to bring a smile to her face this Christmas season.